


星期五下午,在去當志工的路上,由於之前的行程關係,沒有乘慣常的地底鐵路U Bahn 而是地面鐵路S Bahn






記不情車的外形,車頭燈沒,也看不到車牌。對方看到我的停頓,稍微加速駛到旁邊,打開車窗:「Ich habe eine Frage. (我想問個問題。)


那時只是有點危機感,我只站在原地,叫喊:「Was möchtest du fragen? (你想問甚麼?)」

對方維持了相同手勢好幾秒,最終放棄:「Gehst du nach Hause? Ich fahre dir nach Hause. (你正在回家嗎?我可以載你回家。)

Fahren 後面不是應該用Akk嗎?
Fahren 後面不是應該用Akk嗎?
Fahren 後面不是應該用Akk嗎?

呆了幾秒,才大喊了一句:「Nein. Danke.」然後飛快跑走。

那車竟然仍慢駛跟隨著,重覆問著:「Bist du unterwegs? Ich könnte dir helfen.(你正在趕路嗎?我可以幫你)」直到我一直跑到馬路口,那邊有廣告牌,比其他地方亮多了。車子才停步。







Now I am safe and prepared to share the experience. 


I was on my way for volunteering in the Friday afternoon. Because of the previous schedule, I took S-Bahn instead of the U-Bahn as usual. 


It takes only 5 minutes from the train station to the facility and it is almost a straight route, even though it is getting dark, there is no doubt for me to use this way

Unlike in Hong Kong, the street light is not quite strong. On my other side is a factory which was not working at the moment. I could barely see. 

It was totally fine until I saw a car driving slowly behind me.

I could not tell the model of the car. Its headlight is off so I could not read its license plate. The driver noticed me and drove next to me: “Ich habe eine Frage (I have a question).” Since there is a bicycle route between us, he gestured with his hand, asking me to get closer. 


I did not realise the situation at first. I stand still and said: “Was möchtest du fragen? (What do you want to ask)”

“Gehst du nach Hause? Ich fahre dir nach Hause. (Are you going back home? I could drive you Home)”

Shamefully, the first idea popped up in my mind is: Should “Fahren” follows with Akk. But then I realised it could be something more seriously, so I yelled “Nein. Danke” and ran away.

THE CAR WAS STILL FOLLOWING ME!!!! The driver kept driving and asked: “Bist du unterwegs? Ich könnte dir helfen. (Are you on the way. i could help you)” until I reached a huge billboard (with lots of lighting). The car stayed in the dark and I could not see any details of it.

Anyway, I am safe now. 


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