初到柏林,解決了基本生活需要後,重要的,還是找一個安樂窩。然而,柏林房源供不應求,價格也節節上升(來源:Berlin has the fastest rising house prices in the world, study finds)。二零一八年五月,就有民眾上街示威,甚至佔領空置的房子,抗議房價過高(來源:Protesters occupy apartments in Berlin in outcry over rising rent prices)。針對房源不足,找房人士焦急的情緒,釣魚網站、匯款騙案也層出不窮。以下介紹數種在柏林找房時常見的騙局。
- 把電郵複製貼上Google,若發現很多相近的範本,你受騙了。
- 沒收到鑰匙前,不要付款。
德國一般使用銀行轉帳繳交房租。但在搬到新家前,有些房東會表明,希望使用如Western Union及Air BnB等第三方網站獲取租金和押金。但當你把錢轉過去並提供證明後,對方已可以從中獲取所需資料,把你的轉帳金額提走。
你也可以透過這網站,獲得更詳細的資訊:Don't fall victim: Learn how to spot the warning signs of a scam or scammer before it's too late.
- 避免使用第三方網站付款。
- 在簽訂合約前,小心為上。
- 釣魚帖大多會使用網絡上的範本圖片,如有疑問,把圖片放在Google images 交叉比對即可。
As a fresh Berliner, it is important to find a place to call ‘home”. However, because of the explored population and also the insufficient supply, the housing market is making people crazy in Berlin. (Source: Berlin has the fastest rising house prices in the world, study finds) In May 2018, protesters occupied several empty apartments to fight against scarce and unaffordable living space in Berlin. (Source:Protesters occupy apartments in Berlin in outcry over rising rent prices)
After sending out a hundred emails and getting no reply, searchers are getting worried. They may need to move out their temporary place within one or two weeks, but there is still no hope for them. A foreign name, imperfect German skills, pet(s), smoking and even the email address could be unqualified. Since the demand is huge and the problem could not be solved immediately, scammers are hiding in the market. Here are a few scams you should be aware of the search.
The Landlord is not in town (Email Scam)
This is one of the most common scams on the internet. The apartment located in a great community with gorgeous decoration. All bills included in the reasonable rent. You received the reply once you had sent out the request, and the most amazing point is, it is an English reply! The email first describes his/her profession and the background of putting the apartment on the market. The landlord is usually left to the country in a hurry so they would like to rent it out as soon as possible. Some email would attach a passport copy in order to gain your trust.
Since the house key is still with them, it is impossible for you to check the flat. The key will be sent after you transfer the deposit and rent to the landlord. Afterwards, you will never see your landlord again.
1. Copy and paste the reply on Google if there are any concerns. You may find some templates on the internet.
2. Do not proceed to the payment before receiving the key.
Request to use another payment method instead of Bank transformation
Generally, landlords in Berlin prefer bank transaction to receive rent and deposit. Please be aware if someone requests you to use the third entity for the transactions. Scammers could get your personal details easily from the proof of transactions.
You can also refer to this website for detailed information: Don't fall victim: Learn how to spot the warning signs of a scam or scammer before it's too late.
1. Avoid using the third entity for any payments.
Loss of Privacy
Certain renting posts in internet would request the appliers’ Facebook account, a picture or a passport copy as reference. They will lately use by scammer.
1. Avoid providing personal details before you meet the landlord and prepare the contract.
2. Beware of the photoshopped pictures. It is a sign of a scam. Save the pictures and make a double check with Google images.