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Au Pair,源自法文,有「互惠」、「平等」之意,中文為互惠生。青少年在寄宿家庭生活,彷如家庭的一份子,幫忙家務及照顧小孩;而寄宿家庭則為互惠生提供一切生活所需,以及零用。依國家不同,也會為互惠生購買保險。在生活期間,雙方都要付出無比的耐性和尊重。


於我而言,當互惠生的短短日子,是一段令人難忘的美妙經歷。雖然已不是互惠生,但至今仍然受惠於當時的經歷,現時討好男友爸媽堪稱無人能擋。(詳情:互惠生 Au Pair


然而,雖然網絡上可見一堆快樂的互惠生經歷,但凡事沒有絕對。德國著名媒體Norddeutscher Rundfunk NDR)於2016年製作的紀錄片(網址 :Au-pairs in Deutschland | Schlechte Erfahrungen ),講述四位互惠生的不幸經歷:












互惠生的經歷,並非十全十美。寄宿家庭也要承擔風險。德國一單親母親,因為其互惠生謊稱提早回國,卻去了德國另一城市,向政府尋求庇護。幾年後,德國政府發現真相,並把該女生驅逐出境。但該單身母親,卻因該女生仍未出境,合約仍然生效,需賠償政府之前發給女生的資助,合計27,000€。(報導:Au-pair tauchte unter und beantragte Asyl - jetzt soll ihre Gastmutter 27.000 Euro zahlen





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Au Pair is a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of a host family. Au Pair helps with childcare and does light housework to exchange pocket money. During the period, Au Pair would be treated as a family member. It is a valuable opportunity for teenagers exploring a new country and learn a new language.

I used to be Au Pair. Personally, it is an amazing experience, and I am still benefiting from it.

Even though you could find tons of "positive stories,"one should not overlook the dark side. German media Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) produced a documentary in 2016 and shared stories of four unfortunate Au Pairs. (Source: Au-pairs in Deutschland | Schlechte Erfahrungen )


Ahshika from Nepel. She wanted to leave her host family because of the long working hours, but rejected by the host. To make her stays, the host took her passport. She contacted two German women and then left successfully. 


Elisha planned to learn a new language and explore a new culture when she came to Germany. Since the host family lives in a small village, without any German skills, she had no friends there. She was responsible for all the households, including cleaning two holiday houses own by the host, resulted in 12 working hours per day and she was unable to attend any language courses. 


A Chinese girl was left by her host family in a small hostel. She searched for help because of security concerns. It was later discovered that the host family is also a victim. They found a candidate online with good German skills and related experience. They did not make a video call before the girl left her country because of certain issues. When they met each other at the airport, they found that it was another girl with no language skill. 


The fact is, an agent set up a fake account searching for host families. And the same time, they charged a huge amount of money to those who want to be an Au Pair. In this case, €1350.

The last Au Pair in the documentary, Suda, received sexual requests from her host father. He mentioned if she accepted, she could stay in Germany after the contract ended.

Being an APair is not always perfect. At the same time, the host family needs to bear risk. In 2018, a single mum had to compensate the government €27,000 because of her former Au Pair. This Au Pair claimed to leave the family earlier, but actually went to another German city and applied the right of asylum. The government found out the truth after a few years. Since the Au Pair was never leaving the country, her contract signed with the single mum is still valid. She needs to bare all the supplements provided to the Au Pair in this period. (Source:Au-pair tauchte unter und beantragte Asyl - jetzt soll ihre Gastmutter 27.000 Euro zahlen


Being an Au Pair is sure an unforgettable and amazing experience. However, at the same time, one should still keep an eye open. Remember the German ladies mentioning before? 

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Commented by a local moderator, they may earn from helping victims. 


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