

(English is Below) 


周末市集遊 - Thai Park






Thai Park吧!


周末,從U Bahnhof Konstanzer Straße U Bahnhof Fehrbelliner Platz 走,大概十分鐘路程。不用怕自己沒毅力,走著走著,便能聞到香味,順著走下去便是了。






雖名為Thai Park,但除了Papaya 沙拉和各式小炒外,南韓手工餃子、日式炸蝦、中國包子、越南河粉、炒昆蟲……應有盡有。有的攤子旁設有矮桌,跟攤主下單後,會直接送到座位上,慢慢享用。渴了的話,椰子汁、泰式奶茶、越南咖啡還有芒果汁等等一應俱全。味蕾叫囂著西式飲料?不遠處便有流動雞尾酒吧,放心大膽向前衝吧。


不比Mauer ParkThai Park規模較小,因此比較容易在附近找到草地曬太陽。蓆子一鋪,配上小吃和飲料,便是朋友共聚的好時光。想到處走走,讓腸胃消化,離Thai Park不遠處有另一二手市集,可信步前往。



在此附上Thai Park網址: 













Weekend Market - Thai Park


Suffering from Homesick?
Besides shopping, you have more interest in Food-Hunting? 

Missing street food?
Want to chill on the grass without preparing snacks?

 Let’s go to the Thai Park!


From the walking distance of the U Bahnhof Konstanzer Straße or U Bahnhof Fehrbelliner Platz, visitors could find a weekend market operating every Saturday. The name “Thai Park” comes from its exotic feature: it is a market sells mainly Asian street foods: Papaya salad, Vietnamese Pho, South Korean dumpling, Japanese shrimp tempura, fried insects, Chinese bao……



Small booths are set on the grass. The owners are preparing the meal freshly in front of the consumers. Signs are placing in front of the booths, introducing the ingredients and how could one enjoy the food. Vegetarians should not be worried. There are always special versions for them.  

Tired to stand and eat? Some booths would set a small table, and the meals would directly serve to the table after order.

Thirsty? Just walk to mobile bar and order fresh mango juice, iced Vietnamese coffee or iced Thai milk tea. If visitors want to stick with “western” drinks, beers, cola and cocktails are also available. 


Unlike Mauer Park, the scare of Thai Park is relatively small. In other words, visitors could always find a place to lay on. It is relaxing to enjoy such a good weekend in the park, especially when you can grad finger foods and drinks nearby. There is also a small Fleamarket with 5 minutes walk, feel free to go there and try your luck. 


Here is the official website of Thai Park:


Have a nice weekend! 




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