
(English is below)





漢堡戰記 (又名:U3 攻略)- 朝日漁市集


關鍵字:U3 此地鐵線可接駁幾乎所有觀光點 ^^


假若你剛從紅燈區Ritterbahn離開,宿醉的腦袋仍未能從聲色犬馬的氣氛中脫離;或是因時差而提早脫離夢鄉;抑或對新鮮食品有莫名的追求;或者只是純粹不想錯過於漢堡的每分每秒,誠摯介紹這個周日市集——Der Altonaer Frischmarkt 。



基於位置在漢堡Altha區的關係,故名為Der Althaer Frischmarkt,但基於聲名遠播的關係,只消一句Der Frischmarkt(中譯:漁市場),大家都心領神會。從U3 Haltestelle Landungsbrücken 出發,走大約十五分鐘便可到達。










不同於一般人對德國北部冷靜有禮的印象,走在漁市集,一聲聲的「Moin Moin」(德國西北部的招呼語)不絕於耳。間或有人遞上盛滿水果、要兩個人才抱得動的籃子,熱情洋溢地喊:「Zehn Euro! Zehn Euro!」(十歐元!十歐元!)賣咖啡的攤位播放著節奏強勁的音樂,店主在沖泡咖啡的同時,仍不忘隨著節拍起舞,並看著遊客舉起的手機鏡頭大叫:「Lecker! Lecker! Lecker!」(好喝好喝好喝,重要的事要說三次)。即使睡眼惺忪,在市集不消一會便會被其熱情感染,歡快地遊覽起來。





















Der Altonaer Frischmarkt - The Hamburger Sunday Market 


These series of articles are not going to recommend any “MUST GO” sightseeing points or route you could not missed, but to share some interesting places we have visited in Hamburg. 


Keyword: U3 

With this Subway you could connect to almost all the tourist points. ^^  


It is 5 a.m. on Sunday.


Are you having a hangover and waiting for the first train? Are you suffering from the Jetlag? Are you ready to explore Hamburg in the early morning? Here is a good starting point: Der Althaer Frischmarkt. (English: The Altha Fish Market)




The Fish Market is located in Hamburg district Altha. Instead of its full name, the market has been more often to be called “Der Fischmarkt” (English: The Fish Market). It is a weekend market open only on Sunday morning. Visitors could travel with U3 and take off in the station “Haltestelle Landungsbrücken”, it takes about 15 minutes walk from the station.


Besides various seafood, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, plants and accessories could also be found in the market. On top of that, foodies could enjoy freshly made meal from the food tracks on the road.




The earliest written record of the market was in the 16th century. In the early period, some fishers and craftsman gathered and sold their works at the gate. Starting from the 18th century, the market is relocated in front of the church. Because of the special location, the market is running on Sunday from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. (In winter time would be from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.), to ensure all the foods, which were probably landed a few minutes ago on the harbor, could arrive the consumers’ kitchen before going to church.


Unlike the general image of the northern Germany, visitors would be surprised with the energetic atmosphere in the market. The sellers would greet every visitor with their sweet dialect “ Moin Moin!” If any visitor pays longer attention on their products, the sellers would show you a basket with tons of fruit, which probably need two Europeans to hold it, and yell “Zehn Euro! Zehn Euro!” (English: 10 Euro! 10 Euro). It is helpless to smile and leave; it is just a sign for them to put more stuff in the basket. One of the tracks plays strong music to attract customers. The owner would follow the music and dance while preparing coffee with his stunning espresso machine. When he notices someone is recording, he would point to the camera “ Lecker! Lecker! Lecker!” (English: Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!) Feeling sleepy? Going to the Fish Market would make you totally awake.




To be honest, the market makes me think of the grocery market in my hometown. 


Struggle with choosing the best food of the market? Fischbrot (English: fish sandwich) could be a good choice. It is not the name of a specific type of sandwiches, but describing the form of putting fish (prepared in different ways) into bread. No matter deep-fried or salted, foodie would not be disappointed.




If you want to dig-in with gorgeous view, you could go to the harbor next to the Fish Market. Numerous ships pass daily, and you could feel the wind touching your face. The harbor is also a good photography point. For the music lover, there is also live music shows at the end of the market.


Happy Sunday.







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